
Year 9 and 11 Options Evening

On Thursday 26th January, our Year 9 and Year 11 students attended the GCSE and Sixth Form options evening. The event was very well attended and provided an opportunity for our Year 9 students to think carefully about their GCSE choices, and for our Year 11 students to explore their Sixth Form options pathways and courses beyond their GCSEs in the Summer.

The next steps in this process was for Year 9 to confirm their GCSE options by the 1st February, with Year 11 submitting their A level and BTEC options by Friday 3rd February when they completed their final Sixth Form Options survey. To help with these decisions, full details of our Sixth Form courses can be found on our College website. 

If you would like to discuss anything regarding the GCSE or Sixth Form options, please use our contact form and a member of the relevant team will be in contact.

Mr Dunkerley
Assistant Principal