sixth form

Sixth Form Rewards

As part of our Sixth Form rewards scheme, where students earn praise points for showing Ambition, Endeavour or Respect in all aspects of their courses or within the College, our 'Top 15' enjoyed a bowling and laser tag trip in the final week of the Autumn term.
This was a fantastic opportunity for them to enjoy a bit of fun as recognition for their outstanding hard work and conduct during the first two terms of the academic year. Later in the year we have plans for an end of year trip to Thorpe Park, so the incentive for our Sixth Formers to maintain their brilliant form continues! We have awards each week for their hard work in, Supported Study Sessions, Champions Hour - which runs every afternoon between 4pm and 5pm and our 'ABCD' award for recognition of Sixth Form students who go 'above and beyond the call of duty,' which are nominated by staff across the College.

A huge well done to all those Sixth Form students who are earning these rewards each and every week.
Mr Sharpe
Head of Sixth Form