14 December 2023

Rainbow Flag Success

We were delighted to receive the Rainbow Flag Award in November to formally recognise our efforts to be a fully inclusive and LGBT+ friendly school. The award was presented to us by Hollie Wright from the Intercom Trust.
To achieve this, we have had to evidence we were fully inclusive in the following 6 modules:
• Effective Policies
• Inclusive Curriculum
• Pastoral Support
• Skilled Teacher
• Student Voice
• Supportive Governors and Parents
This reward lasts two years, and we are committed to maintaining our high standard of inclusivity throughout. Thank you to those parents who wrote statements of support as evidence for us to achieve this award.
Our Pride Club runs on a Monday lunch time with Miss Harris and Mrs Harbottle, please promote this to your children if they would like to attend either for LGBT support or as an ally. The aim is to provide a safe space for students to seek support and/or meet new people in the LGBT community. We have regular visits from the Intercom Trust and other external agencies during our lunchtime club.

Miss Harris
Personal Development & Mental Health Lead