Be Curious: at Plymouth

On Wednesday 19th April, Year 12 students were given a fantastic opportunity to visit the University of Plymouth and take part in 'Be Curious: at Plymouth'.
The event showcased the amazing cultural destination that is, both Plymouth as a City and a university. It allowed students to experience three different workshops within the school of society and culture.

The students made poems and zines in the English and creative writing workshop. They also became crime scene investigators in the 'Murder Room' as part of the criminology workshop, amongst others of Music, Law and Anthropology. The best workshop of the day for me was Performing Arts. The students took part in something so different from normal lessons, it was great fun for all of them. From taking part in a Squid Games inspired game to making shapes with their bodies and peers, it was great to see them all being involved and including pupils from other schools as well.

Overall the day was a great success. Students got to experience a slice of university life and the facilities the University of Plymouth has to offer. It definitely got them thinking about their higher education options. There was also very tasty pizza on offer for their lunch, good food is always a welcome bonus!

Miss Cooper
Careers Coordinator