Key Stage 4

At KS4, we have developed a knowledge rich curriculum where students can extend their linguistic competencies, to application within a broader area of topic studies. The design of the curriculum accommodates for a Foundation and Higher tier, and provides a challenging selection of tasks which enable every student to make progress. All students retain knowledge and understanding of vocabulary and structures, through following a low stakes quizzing programme in every lesson, which strategically re-tests students at timed intervals to support long term memory.

Additional support
• Period 7 – students complete a period 7 lesson in Spanish on a 2 weekly cycle, focusing on exam technique, covering topics from the previous term’s learning.

Assessment in Spanish aims to capture the progress that students are making at 12 week intervals throughout the  academic year. This enables teachers to know which topics or aspects of topics to re-teach, which were not grasped the first time. Teachers can identify gaps in student learning and, through effective feedback, students can resolve misconceptions and swiftly develop further knowledge and skills.

Year 10
• Assessments takes place at three points throughout the academic year on a 12-week cycle.
• One of these assessments follow a mock process.

Year 11
• Students sit two mock cycles where students sit a full set of GCSE papers, before their final GCSE exams at the end of year 11.

All students follow the AQA GCSE (9-1) in Spanish.