Students have the opportunity to gain “Character Points” through their general conduct at College. We link each aspect of the College day to our Core Values:
Attendance - A student who attends the full 5 days within a week gains 20 Character Points
Punctuality - Students who are on time to College and all lessons each week gain 20 points
Homework - Homework completion each week is worth 20 points
Each week, the total praise points a student earns are ranked within their year group. Character points are then added as follows:
- Top 10 % = 40 points
- Top 20 % = 20 points
- Top 40 % = 10 points
A student receives 40 character points if they have no behaviour points for the week.
Each week, all points are totalled up students are made aware of how many points they have within each category, how many points they have overall and their rank within their year group. This information is given to tutors, celebrated in assemblies, and top ranked students are displayed on the Character board by the canteen.
At the end of each term based on a students’ rank, they are placed into one of 4 tiers, with Tier 1 students invited to the best trips and activities on our Termly Character Rewards Day. Students in Tiers 2 and 3 will also experience a range of alternative exciting opportunities.
We encourage Tier 4 students to reflect on their character to encourage them to earn a place on the opportunities available for them the following term.
At the start of each Term, all students’ Character Points are reset to zero, giving all students an equal opportunity to get as high up the ranks as possible by the end of the term!