Thorpe Park Reward Trip

On March 30th, Sixth Form organised the first of a new annual reward trip to Thorpe Park for a group of sixteen Year 13 students, many of whom had never been before. The trip was a reward for their efforts in study, their academic achievements, attendance, and behaviour, and were eager to experience the thrills and excitement that the theme park had to offer.

As the students arrived at the park, they were buzzing with excitement, eager to explore the various rides and attractions that awaited them. Many of them had never been on any of the rides before and were understandably nervous about what was to come.

Despite their apprehensions, the students were amazing throughout the day. They were polite, respectful, and considerate to their fellow visitors, displaying a level of maturity and responsibility that was truly impressive. They looked out for each other, ensuring that everyone had a good time and that no one was left behind.

Throughout the day, many of the students faced their fears head-on, taking on some of the most challenging rides in the park. The Swarm, Saw: The Ride, and Stealth were just a few of the attractions that they tackled with bravery and determination. It was truly inspiring to see how they pushed themselves out of their comfort zones and took on challenges that they never thought they were capable of.

As the day drew to a close, the students gathered together to share their experiences and reflections. They talked about how much they had enjoyed the trip and how grateful they were for the opportunity to visit the park. Many of them talked about how they had learned so much about themselves and how they had faced their fears and come out stronger for it.

The teachers who accompanied the students on the trip commended the students for their behaviour, attitude, and resilience and were proud to see them represent the College in such a positive light.

In conclusion, the first annual trip to Thorpe Park was a huge success. The Year 13's had a brilliant day, facing their fears and having fun with their peers. It was a trip that they will never forget, and one that they will cherish for years to come.

Mr A Sharpe
Head of Sixth Form